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3 Best Practices to Crush Your Social Advertising this Holiday Season

September 11, 2023
Amanda Batista

As digital marketers ready up their ad strategies for the Q4 craze, we’re sharing some important tips to make the most of the holiday shopping season. 

Your ad content is– for many audiences – the first impression of your brand. It’s a starting point for developing engagement that helps shoppers feel good about buying from your brand during the busy shopping season and beyond. Through consistent, on brand and high quality creative, your brand can seize the opportunity to create a cohesive experience across all platforms and channels. 

Smartly.io’s experts pulled together tips in our latest eBook to help you prepare your strategies to better reach, engage, and learn about your shoppers this holiday season and beyond. 

Download the Work Smartly Guide to Crushing the Holiday Shopping Season 2023.

Here are three best practices for digital advertisers to keep in mind:

  1. The early bird gets the worm
    Behaviors are changing in the US. Holiday shoppers start earlier
    and earlier, as cyber days become cyber weeks. A record $196.7 million Americans shopped in stores and online during the five day holiday shopping period. Consumers spent an average of $325.44 on holiday-related purchases over the course of the weekend, according to the National Retail Federation. To capitalize on the massive influx of online shopping during these critical times, retail brands need to advance their advertising strategies to reflect the demands of the social shopper. 
  2. Meet your customers where they are
    It’s important to meet audiences where they are, and address them with content that is served up based on their environments and scrolling behaviors across platforms. 

    Check out the following platform specific highlights:
    According to Meta, 28% Of users say they are more likely to trust a brand who partners with a trustworthy creator or influencer. 

    Brands on Pinterest see 5x more conversions when people are exposed to their ads earlier in the season, according to the platform’s holiday research.

    Snapchatters spend 1.6x more than the average shopper across all Q4 moments, the app reported.

    80% of users who bought something on Black Friday in 2020 said TikTok played a role, according to the platform’s data. 
  1. The shopper journey influences ad content
    Today, consumers spend their time immersed and shopping on an average of seven platforms a day, creating an endless stream of opportunity for brand engagement. Social media shopping ads are designed to provide a seamless path to purchase by promoting and selling products directly to users. These ads typically incorporate eye-catching visuals, engaging descriptions, and call-to-action buttons to encourage users to make a purchase. 

The Awareness Stage is when you want to provide informative and compelling content that introduces your brand and products. The Consideration Stage is when you highlight the unique features, benefits, and value add that your product offers.The Decision Stage is when more specific information becomes more appropriate, such as the display of pricing information or special offers, to entice shoppers. 

Our latest eBook includes helpful takeaways for digital advertisers to flex their brand muscles this holiday shopping season with strategies to better reach and engage shoppers across all platforms.

Download the full eBook now!


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