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A new era for social creative: How Google and Smartly are leading the way

June 13, 2023

We are thrilled to share that starting this summer, we are expanding our campaign management solutions to include Google’s Performance Marketing Ads Suite. We’re excited to have Google as one of our media partners, where Smartly.io will offer:

  • Creative scale and automation - from developing custom templates to scaling your social creative on new Google ads formats
  • Campaign management and automation - easily create, edit, and optimize your Google campaigns, leveraging tools like triggers and ad automation
  • Single management interface - connect your data and management in one place, across all walled garden platforms.

So Why Google x Smarty.io Now? 

Today, Google supports a range of ad experiences that perfectly lend themselves to social creative, known for driving better engagement and performance. AI has taken center stage, with creative and writing tools pushing boundaries and shifting paradigms in many industries, and digital advertising is no different. Platforms like Google understand that there is opportunity to leverage new technologies to empower marketers to connect with audiences. 

With an arsenal of new technology, and customers splitting their time between an average of 7 platforms a day, the challenge for marketers has become how to streamline processes while still maintaining customized, effective creative at scale. As a certified Google Ads Partner, Smartly.io helps marketers streamline their processes and assets effectively with tools that build cohesive creative and deliver content that fits the experience of the formats your audiences are engaging with.

Finding Cross-Platform Success 

Google's reach is massive, with 274.49 million unique visitors per month (via Statista) and a variety of formats across their ad platform. These audiences are certainly ones brands want to scale and reach, but it can be daunting to do this across the large catalog of Google Ads formats. Smartly.io’s automated tools are designed to help ease the challenges with successfully addressing that scale, across the wide span of creative formats, which include Gmail, Youtube, Search, Display, Maps, and the Play store.

The Future is Now

Recently, Google has been focused on adding to AI-driven cross-platform offerings. The window for marketers and the brands they represent to become early adopters of these AI-supercharged formats is quickly narrowing. Those looking to engage in testing and learning are finding that there is opportunity in capitalizing on early access before offerings become widely adopted.

Google’s strong commitment to this approach was evident at the Google Marketing Live 2023, where considerable emphasis was placed on AI development. With the industry in a state of flux as AI and a privacy-first focus shapes the next era of digital advertising, Smartly.io is building solutions to scale and streamline through automation tools that deepen insights while improving overall creative. 

Consumers are looking for experiences

70% of campaign success relies on creative quality, relevance and personalization, making it clear that consumers are seeking out a premium creative experience that speaks to them. Google recently backed this, saying “We see a huge difference in the auction performance when the creative that we use is high quality and compelling” With the proliferation of formats and platforms for marketers to reach audiences, to stand out, brands need a way to simplify and scale creative campaigns backed by the power of AI. To succeed in the next era of digital advertising, simple, scaled, AI-powered campaigns are key. 

Learn how Smartly.io helped Ralph Lauren scale their Google campaigns and contact us or reach out to your Customer Success Manager if you want to level up your Google campaigns!


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