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Key Benefits of Smartly's Generative AI

October 11, 2023
Michelle Lu

In today's fast-paced world of advertising, finding the right balance between efficiency  and creativity can be a daunting task. Marketers are continuously striving to create exceptional ads while nurturing innovation and preserving brand integrity. This is where Smartly.io Creative AI Lab comes in,  empowering marketers with Generative AI technology to enhance, personalize and scale your creatives at unrivaled speed—because marketers deserve simplicity without sacrificing ideas, governance or quality.

The Smartly.io Generative AI Advantage

At Smartly.io, we understand the importance of both art and science in advertising, and we’ve always prided ourselves in being the best cross-platform, enterprise-first digital advertising solution. Our approach to Generative AI is no different. Here’s how we think of our place in the industry:

Enterprise-Level Customization and Quality Control: Smartly.io allows customers to prompt their own generations, with brand voice and style incorporated underneath the surface. Once first draft generations complete, we know that AI-generated content may not always be perfect, so we let you review and refine all generated content before it goes live. Additionally, for those seeking perfection, we offer a managed cleanup service to ensure every aspect meets your standards.

Versatile Cross-Platform Usage: Our Generative AI creations can be used across various platforms with ease. Whether it's social media, programmatic advertising, or other channels, control of Smartly.io outputs are in your hands, and we can even help you seamlessly resize and traffick to different platforms. Leverage other Smartly.io tools like Workspaces and Templates to make managing content across multiple platforms efficient.

Integrated and Actionable: Smartly.io aims to be a one-stop-shop. Today, AI assists plug seamlessly into our creative templates (or anywhere else that you may use a Smartly.io feed). In the future, we’ll surface insights and AI assists throughout the media and creative workflows, across platforms.

How Smartly.io’s Generative AI Lab Can Help You

Today, Smartly.io already has a number of features available for select advertisers:

1. Text Generation

Text Generation, is your key to crafting tailored value propositions efficiently. It adapts seamlessly to different audiences, tones, and languages, saving you time and maintaining messaging consistency. Here are some ways to use it:

Tailor copy to different audience interests: Use creative insights to learn what works well for your audience, then ask AI to adapt to it. Modify tone, add location-specific phrases, adapt to weather, and more.

Translate to different languages: seamlessly translate value propositions into multiple languages, ideal for global businesses or expanding into international markets.

Personalize at scale: Take a list of descriptions from a product catalog and shorten them into a tailored text overlay. Generate reasons to go for all destinations in your catalog. Or simply make iterations! Where personalization at scale might previously take you hours, let Text Generation modify your thousands+ rows of copy in minutes.

2. Background Removal

Addressing a common challenge in marketing and advertising, Background Removal isolates products or objects from their backgrounds. Some ways to use this:

Make beautiful DPA templates: No more plain white background. Get creative with your template design, isolate the product, and make better-performing ads.

Enhance across a catalog: For businesses with extensive product listings, Background Removal streamlines catalog management, presenting product images consistently and distraction-free.

3. Scene Generation

Go one step further withScene Generation, which seamlessly removes and regenerates backgrounds, enhancing overall quality and aesthetics. This goes several steps beyond just adding a standard background in a template

Natural Background Generation: AI adds a scene that makes sense with the proportions of your objects, and even adds shadows, so it looks like it was shot there

Complete Control and Versatility: Scene Generation is highly versatile, suitable for product photography, lifestyle imagery, or any other creative need. Simply prompt what you’re looking for, review a sample, then apply at scale. You’ll get a chance to review every output before launch.

4. Auto-Crop

Auto-Crop goes a step beyond a standard center crop, and focuses  on key objects (automatically identified or prompted)., With auto-crop, you can adapt assets to other platforms and formats at scale.

What Lies Ahead?

Smartly.io is in a constant state of evolution, expanding its capabilities to enhance your marketing experience. Some features on our roadmap include:

  • Video iteration and video ad assembly
  • Text-to-speech and other audio AI applications
  • Enhanced creative insights
  • And much more!

In Conclusion

Smartly.io Generative AI empowers businesses and marketers to streamline their creative workflow, enhance visual appeal, and maintain brand consistency effortlessly, ultimately resulting in more compelling and effective creative assets. We’re building this in an enterprise-first, seamlessly integrated, and cross-platform manner.

Reach out to your Smartly.io representative to learn more about how you can incorporate Smartly.io Generative AI into your creative workflow.


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