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How to Get Started on Snapchat, Smartly

June 14, 2021
Lina Hagström

In a world where the Stories format plays such a significant role in consumers' lives (even more so over the last year), it's hard to imagine that the format has only been around for eight years. As a platform built on friendship and connection, Snapchat's community has revolutionized storytelling, and we're only at the beginning.

In fact, Snapchat has experienced exponential growth with a 40% year-on-year growth in discovery, 55% year-on-year growth in total time spent watching premium content, and 100 channels with 10m+ monthly viewers.

But what does that mean for you, as an advertiser?

In today's privacy-first world, it's more important than ever to diversify social advertising investments to mitigate risk, reach incremental users, and deliver the right message at the right time. Snapchat has quickly become a key player in an advertiser's social diversification, as it provides a highly engaged, primed audience for advertisers across many verticals, audience groups, and interests. And with different ad formats from AR Lenses and Commercials to Collection Ads and Dynamic Ads, Snapchat provides a full-funnel approach to reach consumers from start to finish.

Smartly.io Helps Brands Win on Snapchat

In 2020, we announced our partnership with Snap Inc. as part of our mission to provide brands with a multi-channel platform for scaling their advertising efforts across social channels. Now, we’re excited to announce the Smartly.io platform for Snapchat is now officially in General Availability (live and ready to use for all customers). This means brands can leverage Smartly.io tools and services to get started (and scale) on Snapchat quickly. Our goal is to provide advertisers with automated workflows, including creative automation, campaign optimization, and robust reporting, that enable scale, optimization, and testing to drive better performance on Snapchat.

Stand Out from the Competition with Creative Tools

Producing new image and video assets requires a lot of time and resources, which is one reason brands find it challenging to kick-start or scale their campaign efforts on a new platform. Smartly.io’s creative tools enable marketers to repurpose winning assets from other social platforms and produce customized creatives at scale. With Smartly.io’s Image and Video Templates, brands gain complete creative control of Snapchat Dynamic Ads to create highly personalized, visual creatives from any data source to fight ad fatigue and stand out from the competition.

"With the help of Smartly.io's Managed Service team and the platform's Dynamic Image Templates, FanDuel can now deliver relevant, time-sensitive creatives to our Snapchat audiences in a way that wasn't possible through the native tool. This has led to a 21% decrease in our main goal: Cost per First Time Deposit." - Sherrie Hang, Senior Manager of Media & Demand Generation, FanDuel

Save Time for Strategic Work with Automated Workflows

We know that there’s a lot of manual work that goes into building out campaigns on each native platform. Smartly.io automates and streamlines campaigns workflows so teams can focus on strategic, value-adding work instead of tedious manual tasks.

Within Smartly.io your team can:

  • Accelerate execution by building and launching multiple Snapchat campaigns at once
  • Easily scale or decrease spend with granular bulk bid & budget adjustments
  • Refresh ads often and avoid ad fatigue with bulk-adding creatives across campaigns or ad sets
  • Automatically allocate and optimize budgets towards top-performing ad sets or campaigns to maximize delivery and results.

“With the help of Smartly.io's Managed Service team, we were able to scale spend by 4.5x during our most important sports season year over year. Thanks to the UI in Smartly.io, the Smartly.io team can optimize and adjust bids and budgets across our 25+ game-specific campaigns effortlessly.” - Aaron Dugan, Director of Media & Demand Generation, FanDuel

Measure and Optimize Against Your Most Important Metrics

Smartly.io’s reporting views provide a customizable and granular view of Snapchat campaigns to unlock better insights and make strategic decisions about future campaigns — both across Snapchat accounts or across social platforms. Instead of monitoring campaigns in separate native tools or exporting all data into a different tool to compare accounts, advertisers can do so in Smartly.io for a holistic view of all their campaigns.

Granular filters such as campaign names, ad statuses, and more allow advertisers to further customize and drill into data to identify high-performing campaigns and creatives. Custom expressions empower advertisers to track the metrics that matter most to their business, such as spend or budget pacing, adding funnel phases, reporting between ad formats, or even tracking against custom attribution windows.

“Streamlining the process between creative production and reporting, the tool enables us to optimize creatives at scale, resulting in a strong increase in performance of vanHaren's campaigns.” - Nikki Gruijters, Social Advertising Specialist, Greenhouse

If you're looking to kick start or scale your advertising on Snapchat, contact your Customer Success Manager or contact us to learn more!


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