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Introducing Smartly Creative

September 13, 2023
Alexandra Tu

Did you know that 70% of digital advertising performance relies on creative? We did, and that’s why we built Smartly Creative. 

To succeed in today’s competitive environment, brands need to invest in a unified platform strategy, incorporate formal testing into their creative processes, and leverage automation and insights to improve the performance of campaigns across all platforms. In fact, it is proven that the most creative and effective ads generate more than four times as much profit.  

For ten years, Smartly.io has been at the forefront of AI-powered creative and campaign innovation. Smartly Creative equips brands with the tools and workflow to power creative effectiveness across channels—built on the five core creative principles outlined below:

  1. Creative Consistency: Leverage creative professionals or self service templates that achieve scale and better performance without sacrificing brand quality. 
  2. Creative Scale: Seamlessly create unlimited variations of ads for targeting by connecting live data sources to templates.
  3. Creative Relevance: Automatically assign creative assets directly to the right audiences to deliver relevant content to each unique segment. 
  4. Creative Agility: Make tweaks or optimize creative in-flight when producing at scale, across platforms and markets
  5. Creative Intelligence: Unlock asset level performance and creative metadata that’s unique to your brand to highlight optimization opportunities.

Learn more about Smartly.io Creative.


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