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Smarter Advertising Series - Maximize Your ROAS

November 30, 2023
Amanda Batista
Episode 1:  Maximize Your Digital Advertising ROAS Through Predictive Budget Allocation with Laura Desmond

This video is the first in a series designed to share with you the most turnkey and inspiring innovations driving digital advertising success. Through “Smarter Advertising” we’re sharing pearls of wisdom for all things digital advertising.

Join the mix for episode 1 of Smarter Advertising and hear from Smartly CEO Laura Desmond about mastering the art of budget allocation. 

The world (and consumers’ preferences and habits) are ever-changing. Digital advertising content needs to hit the mark as it’s moving. Real-time, agile solutions are required to stay in the game of building amazing customer relationships. 

But digital advertising pros are met with some critical challenges, like the manual effort and work typically required to stay steadfast in optimizing performance. Who makes the decisions? Which data do you use to make effective choices?

To achieve success in this ever-changing landscape, mastering the art of budget allocation is crucial. The good news is that Smartly is at the forefront, developing comprehensive strategies for optimizing budget allocation, powered by cutting-edge AI technology for savvy marketers, increasing return on ad spend.

How PBA works to Allocate Your Budget for Optimal Performance

Whether you're an advanced performance marketer or a marketing leader conscious of your teams’ invaluable time, Smartly has your back. With a history dating back to 2013, we deliver actionable artificial intelligence to optimize your campaign budgets. 

Predictive Budget Allocation, a vital part of the Smartly Advertising Platform, offers fully customizable AI-powered optimizations. Set your goals and audience parameters, and let PBA work its magic. On average, it enhances performance by 10% while saving over 5 hours per week. Plus, it integrates seamlessly with your first-party data, providing invaluable insights. With nearly a decade of success, Smartly.io's PBA is your key to optimized media spends.


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