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Smartly Brand Pulse Helps Marketers Connect Full Funnel Performance in Real-Time

March 14, 2024
Toivo Vaje

The modern marketer is faced with some pressing challenges that are changing the way that brands engage through advertising and drive business. 

  1. The inability to take action in real time keeps brand marketers lagging behind.
  2. Spend often is wasted as a result of the lack of real time visibility into performance. It’s typically too late to make changes once marketers do glean useful insights. 
  3. A fragmented view of performance data leaves too much guesswork, making it challenging to get a comprehensive, actionable view.

Marketers must make ad spend count.  You need the measurement rigor to understand impact throughout the full funnel, and a comprehensive understanding of how each stage of your funnel works.

On social channels, brands invest in lower funnel activity because it has provided measurable returns. It has been more of a leap of faith for them to invest in upper funnel activity on those same channels.

Typical performance metrics (e.g. ROAS and CPA) are not easily applied when it comes to brand advertising. Furthermore, brand measurement tools like lift studies, brand tracking, and MMM do not give fast or granular enough insights to make them immediately actionable in the social world.

The Brave New World of Consolidated Data

Now there is a new way, and a new opportunity to tap into a real time, consolidated view to understand your live brand activity across media. 

This week we launched Brand Pulse, an industry-first solution powered by Smartly, Comscore, and GWI data sets. This tool equips marketers with unprecedented real-time reach and frequency capabilities to plan, measure, and enhance campaigns by deduplicating reach across platforms.  This holistic view empowers brand marketers to make real time decisions, and take clear and immediate action. 

Smartly Brand Pulse helps marketers to future-proof their campaign strategy with insight into the full customer journey, revealing how upper funnel interactions drive action across platforms. This holistic view empowers advertisers to optimize their marketing spend and maximize return on their investments. With Smartly’s Brand Pulse, early adopters improved their spend allocation between brand and performance campaigns by 79%. 

Key features of Brand Pulse Include: 

  • Understand upper funnel social activity instantly by measuring real time reach and frequency (RTRF)
  • Make privacy safe, data-driven decisions in real time
  • Eliminate wasted ad spend
  • Avoid ad fatigue and enhance the effectiveness of interaction across channels

“As with every media channel we run, having an agnostic measurement solution is critical to understanding how hard the investment works. Smartly’s Brand Pulse provides deduplicated reach and frequency across the major digital channels with the opportunity to optimize in real time," said Kevin Joy, Global Performance Marketing at Uber.

Learn more about how you can activate Smartly Brand Pulse.


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