Social Responsibility at Smartly

At Smartly, we commit every day to promoting trust, equality, diversity, accountability, and learning through our work and company practices.

Giving Back and
Holding Accountable

We believe in social media’s promise to connect people and in the responsibility of businesses to support their communities. We hold our community – our customers, partners, and employees – accountable to share these commitments and act as role models within their own communities. We don’t do business with any company that promotes or engages in discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or threatening behavior, advocates violence, or violates or threatens to violate human rights or civil liberties.

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Charity at

1-1-1 Model

1% of Our Profits, Time and Product Is Dedicated to Social Impact

In 2020, we adopted a 1-1-1 model for social impact, which means we dedicate 1% of our profits to philanthropy, 1% of our time to volunteering, and 1% of our product through pro bono initiatives.

We primarily focus on three social impact initiatives: Women & Girls, Education, and the Environment. In these focus areas, we carry out donation matching and engage in wider social initiatives.

#GirlsTakeover – Inspiring Future Women Leaders in Tech

Creating and maintaining an inclusive environment where everyone feels respected and heard is at the core of Smartly's culture. To help cultivate inclusive environments, one of Smartly's social responsibility commitments is to support women
and girls.

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Pro Bono Work
for World Health Organization

Since 2020, Smartlies from a dedicated project team have dedicated pro bono hours to help the World Health Organization (WHO) with a COVID-19 response initiative. In January 2021, Smartlies contributed 90 pro-bono hours educating citizens about COVID-19 public health guidelines via setting up and managing social media campaigns for WHO. These campaigns reached 2.4 billion unique users across all Meta platforms.

Our stakeholders have increasing expectations towards using advertising for good. We want to be the industry leader in amplifying good and going beyond compliance.

Learn more about Corporate Responsibility at Smartly

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