Liverpool teams up with Visa to create playable ads and increase in-app purchase conversions up to 4.75%

More shares than other ads in iOS
Increase in purchase conversion rate for iOS
Increase in purchase conversion rate for Android
About the Customer

Liverpool is one of the largest retailers in Mexico that offers gifts ranging from home decor to travel essentials online and across its 122 stores in 69 cities across Mexico.

Company Size


How can we run a successful and unique campaign without reallocating additional bandwidth?

Liverpool wanted to engage its customers in an innovative and exciting way in order to boost in-app purchases. The team wanted to test out playable ads to spread their message to its consumers. They also had a great partnership with Visa and wanted to include discount codes in their campaigns. With the idea and strategy in place, it was time to overcome three execution obstacles that Liverpool faced.

First, playable ads was a format that hadn’t been as common for other retail brands in the region, so there were no benchmarks or best practices to go off of. Second, the need to have a reporting structure in place to prove the success of the campaign. And finally, the decision on whether or not they had the bandwidth to run this campaign internally or if they needed to look to an external agency for support, which would require a significant resource investment.


Streamlined campaign execution and automated reporting metrics

Since leveraging the platform, the Liverpool team was able to efficiently and successfully launch their unique, Playable Ads campaign seamlessly to its customers.

Liverpool leveraged the preset creative templates currently available within the Creative Editor to build a series of scratchable ads that would give users a random coupon for their purchase after downloading the app. This interactive ad drove app downloads for new users, and an increase in app engagement for existing users.

When it came time to analyze the results of the campaign, Liverpool utilized’s reporting capabilities to understand purchases. Since reports in Smartly are automatically generated, the team did not have to allocate additional bandwidth to manually run post-campaign reports. Liverpool measured the success of the campaign as a whole and proved the value of their program to leadership with reporting.

Lastly, the team did not need to bring on an external agency to run their campaigns because they were able to leverage the platform to automate much of their tagging and reporting. This not only saved them resources and budget, but ultimately gave them even more control over their launch.

With the help of Smartly we could test the format quickly and effectively, resulting in improvements in our results vs. other ad formats and pushing us to keep testing creative innovations.

Victor Roberto Ortíz Flores

Sr. Digital Consultant

More shares than other ads in iOS
Increase in purchase conversion rate for iOS
Increase in purchase conversion rate for Android
No items found.

Launch multiple campaigns and ad groups 3.3x faster than native platform tools*

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